10 Tips for Finding the Right NetSuite Partner

Implementing NetSuite efficiently requires a partner that understands your business model and vision. They should be able to customise the solution to your specific needs and ensure a positive return on investment for you.

Look for a partner with a good track record and client references. Ask them to provide case studies and success stories from previous projects.

1. Look for Certifications

NetSuite implementation partners bring a certain level of expertise and experience to the table that can be beneficial when planning and executing an ERP integration. But with so many options out there, finding the right partner can be a difficult task.

Look for a partner with certifications and a solid track record of success. It’s also a good idea to find out how long their clients have been working with them. This will help you gauge how responsive they are and whether they can meet your needs down the line.

2. Look for Industry Experience

A NetSuite implementation partner should have experience in your industry. This will ensure that they understand your needs and can help you get the most out of NetSuite.

Look for a partner that offers competitive pricing and transparent contract terms. This will allow you to stay within your budget and still get the services you need.

A top NetSuite partner will create a detailed scope and budget for your project. This will minimize scope changes and ballooning costs in the future. They will also provide comprehensive training and helpful education on using NetSuite to its full potential.

3. Look for Customer Reviews

The best NetSuite implementation partners are willing to prioritize your business needs and goals above their own interests. They will take the time to understand your industry and business processes, ask questions, and provide advice throughout the project.

Look for testimonials and case studies from past clients when evaluating potential partners. This will help you find a partner that has experience implementing NetSuite in your industry and can offer scalable solutions for future growth.

Additionally, a top-rated NetSuite partner will have transparent pricing models and flexible contract terms to align with your budget.

4. Look for Flexibility

A NetSuite partner should be keen to gain a thorough understanding of your business from the start. This will allow them to combine their product expertise with your context and provide reliable strategic support.

They should also be able to create a detailed scope and budget, so that you don’t run into any unexpected expenses down the road. Cheaper pricing doesn’t necessarily mean better service, so be sure to compare pricing models and contract terms before choosing a NetSuite partner.

If your current NetSuite partner is failing to deliver on their promises, consider finding a new one. Look for partners with a proven track record of success and long lists of happy clients.

5. Look for Ongoing Support

A great NetSuite partner will be able to offer you post-implementation support and ongoing services. They can help you with data migration, integrations and optimisation, allowing you to maximise the benefits of your ERP system.

Look for a partner that is keen to gain a deep understanding of your business processes from the beginning. This can prevent scope changes and ballooning costs during the project. Additionally, choose a partner that offers recovery and rescue projects, in case your project goes wrong. This way, they can get your system back on track.

6. Look for a Customized Solution

A quality NetSuite partner will be keen to gain a deep understanding of your business context from the start. This will help them provide reliable strategic support throughout the process.

They will also be able to create a detailed scope and budget. This will help you avoid unexpected costs later on in the project. They should also use clear and frequent communication methods to keep you informed.

7. Look for a Reliable Partner

A top-performing NetSuite partner will not only be a technical expert but also provide ongoing support to help you optimize the platform and keep your business running efficiently. Ask potential partners how long they have been working with NetSuite and request case studies of previous projects.

Look for an ERP partner with experience in your industry, as each industry has its own unique challenges, rules & regulations, and operational strategies. This helps ensure they can advise you on your NetSuite ERP configuration. Also, be sure to check client testimonials.

8. Look for a Partner with a Positive Reputation

A reputable partner will take the time to understand your business’s goals and align NetSuite’s features with them. They will also provide a thorough training experience and ongoing support, leading to optimized business processes and increased ROI.

Look for a partner that has a long list of satisfied clients and can demonstrate their expertise through case studies and testimonials. Ask for a detailed project breakdown and timeline so you can avoid budgeting problems halfway through the implementation process. Additionally, a good partner will use project management software to communicate approvals and milestones throughout the process.

9. Look for a Partner with a Competitive Price

During your selection process, evaluate the pricing models and contract terms of each potential NetSuite partner. Choose a partner that offers competitive pricing, transparent contract terms, and a flexible payment schedule.

A good NetSuite partner will have years of experience implementing solutions for companies in your industry. Ask for case studies and client references to assess their track record. They should also know your industry’s challenges, requirements, and best practices. They will be able to guide you through the entire process and ensure that your solution is implemented successfully.

10. Look for a Partner with a Positive ROI

When companies work with the right NetSuite partner, they can streamline and automate processes, integrate systems, and improve data accuracy. This leads to improved efficiency and profitability, and a positive ROI.

A good NetSuite implementation partner will have core technical knowledge, but it’s important to look for business acumen too. They should be able to understand your goals and expectations, and they should be able to explain how the software can help you achieve them. They should also communicate project breakdowns and timelines clearly, and provide regular updates.